The history of UMT is rooted in the foundation of the Higher Education Institutes in Albania, with the creation of the Higher Institute of Medicine in 1952. In 1957, the Higher Institute of Medicine and other five Higher Institutes of Education formed the State University of Tirana. In that occasion was created the Faculty of Medicine, as the main referent institution for the Albanian Medicine. Due to the highest grade of expertise and professionalism, on January 23, 2013, the Faculty of Medicine was promoted with the status of University, founding the University of Medicine, Tirana (Universiteti i Mjekësisë, Tiranë). UMT inherited the Faculty of Medicine and Technical Medical Sciences from the University of Tirana, and created hence the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Dental Medicine and the Faculty of Public Health. The first rector of the University of Medicine, Tirana, was professor Jera Kruja. Since it re-organisation, on 30 March 2016, the University of Medicine, Tirana is composed of three Faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dental Medicine.
Albanian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Journal, Medical, Health, UMED
Dibra Strt No. 371, AL1005 Tirana, Albania (AL)