RASH the Academic Network of ALBANIA is the National Research and Education Network (NREN). Established 2009 with an intergovernmental Agreement of Albanian Parliament between Albania and Italy, RASH institutional building starts 2011 as Albanian NREN in national level and international as member of TERENA the trans european Research and Education Network (later GÉANT) Association. 2018, RASH was reorganized as autonomus Inter-institutional Center based in an new Agreement between the Rectors of all 12 public universities and the Ministry responsible for Education and Research.
Over Years RASH develop software applications for Ministry of Education, universities & research institutes: U-Albania (national student admission portal), digital libraries (U-Library), Teachers for Albania portal (MpSH), Trainings portal (T4All), e-Research (statistic of Research), Virtual University (V.uni), Pitagora - Student secretary management system, University Financial Management (U-Ffinanca), University Research Catalog (UCRIS) etc.
RASH the Albanian NREN build and manage the Academic Network Backbone and Campus Networks for universities and research institutions. RASH e-infrastructure is interconnected with GÉANT Network the fundamental element of Europe's e-infrastructure, delivering network for scientific excellence, research, education and innovation through interconnections with its 38 NREN partners.
RASH has implemented in Albania also several GÉANT services supporting all scientific disciplines: Eduroam, EduGain, EduVPN, TCS, FoD & DDos Alert, IAAS, etc.
Rash Cloud Service
Albania Cloud University
Albanian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Journal, Medical, Health, UMED
Scientific bulletin of University of Tirana - Faculty of Natural Science
Scientific bulletin
University Respository- Research managment platform
UCRIS, Publications
Albanian Research Statistics Portal
Research, Statistics
Online platform, catalogue, books, magazines,
Rruga e Durresit, 1001 Tirana, Albania (AL)
email: amalaj@rash.al
phone: 00355684886552