University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is the first state University in the MKD. It was founded in 1949, initially with three faculties. At the moment, the University represents a community of 23 faculties, 5 research institutes, 4 public scientific institutions (associate members), 1 associate member (another higher education institution), and 7 associate members (other organisations). Its activities are stipulated by the Law on Higher Education and the Statute of the University.

The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University develops study programmes in all scientific fields, including: natural sciences and mathematics, technical and technological sciences, medical sciences and health, biotechnical sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts. In addition to the faculties, the research work is carried out in the independent research institutes as an integral part of the University.

The illustration of UKIM through figures is as follows: over 60 000 enrolled domestic students in the first and second cycle of studies, as well as over 700 foreign students. The third cycle, doctorates, is realised within the School of Doctoral Studies, with a total of 655 students. Over 3100 teaching, research, associate, as well as administrative staff participate in the realisation of the teaching and scientific process at the faculties and institutes.

Further information about Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is available at:

The human and technical potential for this project is based on the faculty and research staff of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering (FINKI) at UKIM. They have deployed two grid clusters, two Cloud instances and HPC cluster of 84 nodes utilising existing expertise in parallel computing. The theoretical research is combined with experimental results. The research under this project can utilise a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster hosted by the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, UKIM in Skopje. The HPC cluster has 84 nodes, each of them with two 6 core Xeon L5640 (total of 1,008 physical CPU cores / 2016 virtual CPU cores, and total of 2 TB RAM). The nodes are interconnected with QDR Infiniband interconnection, achieving 7.776 TFlops peak measured computing power (86% efficiency). The cluster is supported by a 36 TB storage system under Lustre FS, providing high-throughput I/O for every cluster node. The HPC system also supports a Hadoop installation, which can utilise local 250 GB disks on each node. A small part of the system (16 nodes) was recently converted to an OpenNebula Cloud installation, and is part of the EGI Federated cloud (Fedcloud) deployment. A new mobile cloud infrastructure based on Openstack and is hosted on 15 Huawei servers, each with 128GB RAM and 20 HT CPU cores, totaling in 300 vCPU cores and 37TB SSD and 32 TB SAS storage. The system is in production from 2017 as a National cloud system. More about the Faculty could be found here

Provided resources


Gaussian API

Service for fitting repulsive potentials in density-functional tight-binding with Gaussian process regression.


Schrödinger API

Service for advanced methods for solving of multidimensional time-independent Schrödinger equation.


FINKI cloud

Openstack cloud deployed at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, UKIM.


Configuration management database

Configration management database


NI4OS-Europe training and webinar portal

EOSC and FAIR related training materials and webinars.


Airpolution prediction

Predicting airpolution levels for the next 4 days


Single point of acces to the North Macedonia repositories


UKIM Repository

The repository of the University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje






Rudjer Boskovic 16, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia (MK)


Legal status

Public Legal Entity


Natural Sciences Engineering & Technology


Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering Computer & Information Sciences


cloud hpc storage service provider hpda ai


Anastas Mishev, Professor
phone: 0038970330386

The NI4OS-Europe project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 European research infrastructures grant agreement no. 857645.